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Commonly removed tree species in Wisconsin

Read more about trees with problem characteristics, often targeted for removal from residential and commercial properties in Wisconsin:



Common Tree Removal Techniques in Wisconsin

Tree removal can be a complex task that requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety and efficiency. While the specific approach to tree removal may vary depending on factors such as the tree's size, location, and surrounding environment, there are several common techniques that arborists and tree removal professionals employ:

  • Straight Felling: Cutting the tree at the base and letting it fall in its natural direction.
  • Directional Felling: Guiding the tree's fall with strategic cuts and wedges.
  • Controlled Dismantling: Removing the tree in sections, useful in confined spaces.
  • Crane-Assisted Removal: Using a crane to lift and lower tree sections, ensuring precision.
  • Rigging and Rope Techniques: Using ropes to control the descent of tree limbs and sections.


 Our Tree Removal Machine for Wisconsin Native Trees

Our Tree Removal Technique

CutNGo utilizes the Altec Knuckle Boom mounted grapple saw, operated remotely, with a reach of 60 to 120 feet, ensuring precision and safety. Our technology keeps all team members outside the drop zone during tree removal tasks. Our equipment allows us to handle complex trees on your property.


Common Reasons for Tree Removal

Common reasons for removal include:

  • Dead or dying (entire tree or a main bough)
  • Diseased trees
  • Invasive species harming your trees
  • Nuisance (allergies, fruit/seed droppings, etc)
  • Dangerous (shallow roots or weak wood)
  • Encroachment to a structure or power/water lines

When you need a tree removed safely and efficiently, call CutNGo. We have a reputation for meeting or BEATING competitor prices.

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Wisconsin Tree Types

Winter is the best Time for Tree Removal

Trees can be removed year round, but winter is the best season for several reasons:

Better for soil and grass

Frozen lawns are not as easily marked by heavy equipment, protecting soil and grass. Winter tree removal helps maintain the health of the land by preventing damage to surrounding trees and keeping dead trees from interrupting the distribution of soil nutrients in spring.

Tree Structure is easier to assess

When the leaves are gone it's much easier to identify dead and dangerous branches. The less obstructed view allows arborists to better assess damage and decay. Equipment operators are able to work more efficiently, saving on costs.

Trees are dormant in winter

Most of the bugs, fungi and other parasites that spread tree disease are dormant in winter, making it the safest time for removal. Removing trees when pests and diseases are dormant helps prevent their spread to other trees nearby.

Reduces Risk of Damage

A dangerous tree in summer is doubly dangerous in winter under the weight of heavy Wisconsin snow and ice. There's no need to wait for spring to get your dangerous trees removed.